I've been thinking about this for quite some time now. I have a couple of friends currently expecting and having to think about names. When I was first expecting Duncan, I had researched his name online and it happened to stick. Jared really was hoping for a girl. He'd picked out Lindsay (go figure our first daughters name)Jack of course was named after Jared and his father. I loved the name Elizabeth, and it happened to coincide with Jared's sisters middle name. Then came Ruby. As pictured above. That's my grandma. I didn't know what name to pick for a while and when thinking about character and personality I couldn't help but smile when thinking of my Grandma Ruby. My mom loved to take her to the movies because she always was so openly emotional and brought such energy and life to whatever you'd be watching. One time I went along to see Titanic. You could hear the OOoohs and tisks and everything coming from Grandma. Then upon leaving the theater Grandma turned to me and asked who played the villain. There was a huge display and I pointed and said "Billy Zane" She walked right up to the card board cut out and kicked his name.
Then there was the memory of grandma asking me when I was 14 or 15 are you going dancing tonight? (it was a Friday). No, grandma I don't dance. I replied. She then told me of how she always went dancing when she was young.
Even younger, earlier memory. When my opinion of grandma was (SHE's SO OLD!) I was maybe 10. She saw that my friend and I were trying to play jump rope with one long rope tied to the house. Well that wouldn't do. She joined us. Not just turned the rope, but actually got in on the jumping.
Grandma was never harsh, nor negative. She was joyful and loving. All the things that I think of in my grandma I really hoped for in my daughter. Ironically Ruby has been the most calm and joyful baby thus far. Not that I don't love my other children, I do. But she hasn't been medically stressful, nor has she had some of the loud personality traits of my other children. Maybe grandma's name has more to it than just remembering and hoping. Either way, it's a great name and I'm grateful for both people whom I know in which it represents.