My Grandma turned 85 on May the 4th. Too bad she isn't a Star Wars fan. We did get to scoop up the whole family and make it to Grandma's last night for cake and ice cream. It was nice to finally make it to her house, it's been too far between visits. My family had made grandma a card that was a flower pop up card and wrote "To a 1927 Original" on it and everyone signed it. I forgot my camera. Jack is really sensitive and refused to unplug his nose in the house, (gran has two cats)So, I spent some time walking her property with Jack. It has been a very long time. We saw some quail and I showed Jack the old chicken coop. (it hasn't been one in many MANY years) after walking around he said, this is like a farm! Well, it kind of was. A self sufficient family farm back in the day. So many new homes encroaching in on the surrounding area that used to be fields. I'm all for progress, but waxing a bit nostalgic. When it was time to go, Ruby had found and was carrying around a plush bunny my cousin had made. She wouldn't give it up. The stubbornness kicked in and she was determined that it was hers. Grandma didn't mind her having it, but it was my cousins. She was also there and was fine with Ruby having it. Ruby doesn't always get her way, and it probably wasn't the best lesson for her, but she did thank Shannon (my cousin) and I thank her too! I was amazed at what Ruby attaches herself to and what seems to mean so much to her. She clutched onto that bunny for the rest of the night. And has played with it today as well.